Thank you to Harper Lee for writing one of the best {if not the best} novel of the twentieth century. Reading it again has brought me so much happiness and provoked a lot of thought.
Thank you to my readers who keep me motivated to keep on keepin' on with this blog.
Thank you to the city of DC. The past {almost} year has been a whirlwind of emotions. I am starting to get along better with you. If you are a DC-er, please read this article on living here. So true, isn't it?

Thank you to my building for handing out pool passes this week. Summer fun, anyone?
Thank you to twitter for providing a network of supportive people to vent to.
Thank you to my dog Eliza for perpetually sleeping late this week. It's been fun. But we have to get back on a normal schedule very, very soon.
Thank you to my friends, old and new. I love each of my friends very much. Ya'll truly get me.

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